Below you will see our plan for the year+ following leaving Brisbane, likely in late April or early May. We have given a lot of thought to whether we should spend more time away or not, possibly going to Malaysia/Thailand or even to China, but we have decided to go a little faster since any alternate destination means at least one year more of travel.
Anyway, here it is is:
Planning for Brisbane Onward v 1.0
2. Cape Henrietta Maria to Darwin - go relatively quickly, eg directly across the Gulf of Carpenteria
3. Darwin Rally - Starts Jul 28th, but should arrive in Darwin by Jul 14th
-Darwin to Bali (multiple stops) 950 nm
- First stop is Kupang on Timor which is 420 nm
- Bali stop is Sept 23 -7
4. Bali to Christmas Island (may go directly to CK?)
- Bali to Christmas - 570 nm
5. Christmas to Cocos-Keeling
- Christmas to CK - 520 nm
5. Cocos Keeling to Mauritius
- stop in Rodriques?
- CK to M 2382nm
7. Mauritius to Durban (possible stop in Reunion) M to Reunion 128 nm; R to D 1446 nm; try to arrive in mid-November
8. Coastwise to Cape Town
9. Cape Town to St Helena go to Namibia? CT to St H 1693 nm
10. St Helena to Ascension and or Salvador/ Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
- St H to Ascension 697 nm
- St H to Salvador 1907 nm
- would want to arrive in Salvador for Carnival; note: Salvador Carnival 2013 starts Feb 7th for about 5 days
11. Brazil to Grenada - with various stops along the way; arrive late March?
- stops in Caribbean where we have not been or where we would like to go again e.g. Saba, Barbuda
12. in Caribbean - April/May
13. Caribbean to Bermuda late May to early June
14. Bermuda to NYC or Newport or Halifax - depart mid-June
15. to Nova Scotia (or stay in NYC for winter)
16. to Newfoundland
1. Brisbane to Cape Henrietta Maria - taking our time for Great Barrier Reef and Whitsundays
2. Cape Henrietta Maria to Darwin - go relatively quickly, eg directly across the Gulf of Carpenteria
3. Darwin Rally - Starts Jul 28th, but should arrive in Darwin by Jul 14th
-Darwin to Bali (multiple stops) 950 nm
- First stop is Kupang on Timor which is 420 nm
- Bali stop is Sept 23 -7
4. Bali to Christmas Island (may go directly to CK?)
- Bali to Christmas - 570 nm
5. Christmas to Cocos-Keeling
- Christmas to CK - 520 nm
5. Cocos Keeling to Mauritius
- stop in Rodriques?
- CK to M 2382nm
7. Mauritius to Durban (possible stop in Reunion) M to Reunion 128 nm; R to D 1446 nm; try to arrive in mid-November
8. Coastwise to Cape Town
9. Cape Town to St Helena go to Namibia? CT to St H 1693 nm
10. St Helena to Ascension and or Salvador/ Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
- St H to Ascension 697 nm
- St H to Salvador 1907 nm
- would want to arrive in Salvador for Carnival; note: Salvador Carnival 2013 starts Feb 7th for about 5 days
11. Brazil to Grenada - with various stops along the way; arrive late March?
- stops in Caribbean where we have not been or where we would like to go again e.g. Saba, Barbuda
12. in Caribbean - April/May
13. Caribbean to Bermuda late May to early June
14. Bermuda to NYC or Newport or Halifax - depart mid-June
15. to Nova Scotia (or stay in NYC for winter)
16. to Newfoundland
17. up the St Lawrence